Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Special Delivery: Impacts of Specialty Pharmacy

A big part of total national drug spend is the continuing growth of the specialty drug market. Health systems depend on specialty pharmacy to make up margin losses from other areas. Dr. Vinay Eapen, Senior Manager of Specialty Pharmacy at University of Texas Medical Branch, joins Gretchen Brummel, Pharmacy Executive Director in the Vizient Center for Pharmacy Practice Excellence and your program to share a bold approach to starting specialty pharmacy services at an academic medical center.


Guest speakers: 

Vinay Eapen, PharmD

UTMB Senior Specialty Pharmacy Manager

Lean Adjunct Faculty

UTMB Department of Pharmacy



Gretchen Brummel, PharmD, BCPS 

Pharmacy Executive Director 

Vizient Center for Pharmacy Practice Excellence 


Show Notes: 

[00:46-01:09] Dr. Eapen background information 

[01:10-01:52] History of the specialty drug market

[01:53-02:43] Categorizing specialty drugs

[02:44-03:26] When UTMB decided to start a specialty program

[03:27-04:18] Building the program

[04:19-05:25] Benefits of the program

[05:26-06:11] Unexpected issues

[06:12-06:54] Where specialty pharmacy is going

[06:55-07:37] Advice for other starting specialty pharmacy programs

[07:38-08:21] Reasons to start a specialty pharmacy


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