Tuesday Jul 16, 2024
Exceeding Expectations Vizient Pharmacy Vision Award: Performance Improvement
Vizient Pharmacy Vision Awards celebrate the values and achievements of our pharmacy members. The Excellence in Performance Improvement Award is given to an organization that achieves performance excellence and exceeds expectations in clinical, operations, specialty, retail, or 340B pharmacy. Corewell Health won award in 2023. Stephanie Field, VP, Finance – Pharmacy Business Services, and Margo Bowman, Senior Director of Clinical Pharmacy, are here from Corewell Health to discuss their award-winning program. I'm Gretchen Brummel your program host.
Guest speakers:
Stephanie Field, MBA
Vice President Finance – Pharmacy
Corewell Health
Margo Bowman, PharmD
Senior Director of Clinical Pharmacy
Corewell Health
Gretchen Brummel, PharmD, BCPS
Show Notes:
[00:52-02:35] Background information Stephanie and Margo
[02:36 - 03:46] Situation before the team started their work
[03:47- 04:55] Coming up with a solution
[04:56 - 06:05] The program
[06:06 -09:20] Outcome improvements they have seen
[09:21 - 11:14] How frontline staff responded to the program
[11:15-12:18] Enhancing the program in the future.
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