Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Cybersecurity and downtime preparedness in health system pharmacy: when it happens to you
In this first part of a three-part series on cyber preparedness, Dr. Colleen Malashock, Clinical Pharmacy Manager at Nebraska Medicine, and Randy Gerwitz, Senior Consulting Director in Pharmacy Solutions at Vizient, share their firsthand insights on the impact of cyberattacks to health care facilities and the preparations necessary to providing pharmacy services and managing patient care during the downtime.
Guest speakers:
Colleen Malashock, PharmD, BCPS, DPLA
Clinical Pharmacy Manager
Nebraska Medicine
Randy Gerwitz, RPh
Senior Consulting Director in Pharmacy Solutions
Gretchen Brummel, PharmD, BCPS
Pharmacy Executive Director
Vizient Center for Pharmacy Practice Excellence
Show Notes:
[00:59-3:24] Colleen’s experience with cyber attack
[03:25-4:00] Advance preparations
[04:01-5:18] Most effective approaches during and after event
[05:19-6:07] What surprised them most about the event
[6:08-6:43] How did clinical services fare
[6:44-7:46] How prepared are systems for this kind of intrusion
[7:47-9:45] Impact on pharmacy staff
[9:46-11:52] Advice for pharmacy and frontline staff
[11:53-13:41] Transitioning to a paper system
Links | Resources:
"Clinicians' experiences and reflections from a health system cyber attack." Click here
Ransomware attacks on hospitals 2022 Click here
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